Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Album Review: Black Lips - Arabia Mountain

Days of the lo fi indie rock which inhabited the indie band Black Lips are over (well sorta) now we are of the days of the Black Lips being a little different. Arabia Mountain is the name of the new album and it looks at distancing itself from lo fi and have since resurfaced looking to explore psychedelic rock and garage rock ideas. I wasn't a huge fan of the last album 200 Million Thousand, I just couldn't get into the songs at all which was a shame because the albums before that (particularly Let It Bloom) are superb releases.

This album is different from the rest but god damn its back to the success I felt when I heard the old shit, the album sounds very cool, sharp guitars, with a punk edge. The slightly whiny vocals of Cole Alexander doing such a great job throughout the album making it interesting and fun to listen to. The song content and just general songs as a whole is one of my favourite parts about this album, songs like Family Tree, Mad Dog and Spidey's Curse early in the album are some of my favourite tracks on this thing, there isn't that much about them they just feel like cool tracks.

The album I feel is pretty simple, it just has a great vibe (Castle reference anyone?) about it all the vocals, guitars, drums it all seems to create a nice garage punk feel with it being a little lo fi. The Punk aggression that is on some of these tracks adds some great intensity Family Tree and Bicentennial Man lift the intensity of the album ever so slightly to really get the album going (Family Tree more so being the first track)

I kind of feel its difficult to put into words how cool I feel some of these tracks are, I mean come on what isn't cool about a song about Spider Man (Spidey's Curse) or just the general feel about the album totally working at every point in the album. This album has certainly hit a weird lo fi indie/garage rock/punk niche with me and it's been pretty difficult for me to stop listening to this thing as it works so well song for song, Hey it might even be their best...

Overall Rating: 8.5/10

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