Wednesday, May 30, 2012

2012 Songs I've Enjoyed Pt1

Again another review of the year to date but this time just on certain songs, one per artist, some of those on here I really didn't enjoy most of the album apart from the standout track. No ratings cause I don't do that for songs but I guess you can say I like em...alot.

Odd Future - Oldie

It's not because of the triumphant return of Earl Sweatshirt (although that is nice) that makes this track a favourite of mine. It's actually the raps of the lesser members in the band, particularly Mike G and Frank Ocean (hes lesser in a rapping sense aight?). Everyone gets a go and while the beat is fairly simple it does allow for everyone to get their own and on the whole have a nice group of verses even if I feel like its barely a song for that.

The Men - Open Your Heart

Such a great noise rock track, seriously the album is kind of weird with its occasional country song. But this song is just noise rock with the band really turning a sloppy loud track into something cohesive. fast and frantic at times the song keeps it together to make it a track I really enjoy.

First Aid Kit - To A Poet

The track begins with the nice voices of First Aid Kit, almost haunting before it swings through into a powerful chorus with lyrics like "Though I miss you more than I can take and I will surely break. And every morning that I wake up there is the sake, but there's nothing more to it, I just get through it." brings together a strong chorus that lifts it above some great tracks on what is a strong folk album.

The Cribs - Come On, Be A No One

I really didn't enjoy this new Cribs album but this song reminds me a little of all the other albums from them I liked. Its a simple British indie rock track but Ryan Jarman does a great job vocally with a couple of soaring moments and spoken word pieces that remind me of the style of old.

High On Fire - Spiritual Rites

Its good to have High On Fire back, particularly when they produce some dirty swamp metal like they have here. The drums build the track before we get into the scowling vocals of Matt Pike as he screeches (Lemmy like) through the song. The pace is quick but allows for Pike to not rush through vocally as he accompanies the track nicely throughout.

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