Friday, September 9, 2011

Album Review: The Devil Wears Prada - Dead Throne

Yeah its a slow news day on the blog, I would've gone with the new Wilco album (its great) but I only heard it for the first time early this morning. So I've gone with something else that has recently released onto the internet the new The Devil Wears Prada album Dead Throne. This is the bands fourth album and I'm sure the high school kids all over the world are hotly anticipating this album to "get down" to.

God damn this album is really boring, like when I'm hearing this all I think of is this being a band that anyone over 18 probably wouldn't like at all. The faux brutality in these songs is terrible I get they're trying to be brutal and all but I feel its not even possibly believable. So many of the riffs on this are chunky and fat cunt as fuck with little substance, pretty cliche metalcore stuff.

Now obviously its not all metalcore but has some melodic metalcore in it also unfortunately it just reminds me of a really poor version of In Flames which after the last album is saying something. The moments in which they attempt to show emotion in the songs don't really come off that well and perhaps while portraying it aren't at all  interesting or believable.

Obviously there aren't many positives from this album that I could find and as its very very samey throughout the album I could only find one, the albums only 40 minutes long.

Overall Rating: 1.5/10

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